
Everything You Need to Know About Micron Bags for Rosin

Everything You Need to Know About Micron Bags for Rosin

While the kind of strain is still the main factor in determining the quality of rosin, remember that the type of micron bags you use is also a factor in the potency and the amount you will be able to extract from your material.

As the receptacle that holds your buds or hash, it keeps your rosins as pure as possible by segregating it from other components that you don’t want in your extracts.

But there are other things to consider when choosing a micron bag to produce your rosins.

To help you decide, read the rest of this article so you can understand how micron bags are a crucial component of your rosin extraction.


What is a micron rating?

Micron rating describes the size of particles that can pass through a porous area and often associated with filtration systems like micron bags used in rosin extraction.

So, if a micron bag has a rating of 25, anything with that size and below can pass through it.

How important is the micron rating in extracting rosin?

Micron rating determines the quality and quantity of rosin you can extract from your material.

In general, lower micron ratings produce higher quality rosins, at the expense of quantity. But, the differences are not that significant.

There have been cases where a 20 percent yield on a 90-micron bag went down to 17 percent on a 36-micron bag.

Micron bags differ with their ratings, along with their application. Some micron bags can be used for kief, bubble hash, and buds, while others are only advisable for buds and trims.

The guide here is simple: The lower the micron rating you use, the better the quality you will get from bubble hash and kief. You can also use a lesser micron for buds and trims, but the quality and quantity won’t be that exceptional compared to bubble hash and kief.

But, the higher the micron rating of your bag, the better results you get from your buds and trims. This is due to the less porous nature of these bags, which blocks other particles from being mixed with the rosin extracted.

Note that higher micron bags are not ideal for kief and bubble hash.

Remember that this is only a guide, and nothing forbids you from experimenting with other micron ratings as well as other factors like pressure and temperature to get the best yield for you.


Browse rosin press filter bags for pressing kief or hash

Browse rosin press filter bags for pressing flower or trim

Does the material of the micron bag matter?

There are three kinds of materials typically found: silk, metal and nylon.

Of the three, nylon is the best choice for a micron bag.

Nylon is flexible and stretchable when flexed. As a flexible material, nylon micron bags can adapt well when pressed, and less susceptible to blowouts during extraction.

Metal is the worst choice, as it damages the plates of your rosin press under high pressure. For that reason, we are not a proponent of metal bags and thus do not sell them.

Silk, meanwhile, is not as stretchable as nylon, making it more prone to blowouts during pressing.

You would want medical and food grade certified bags as well, so your rosin remains free from contaminants when extracted.

A great example of this would be the Pure Pressure Micron Rosin Press Bags, which uses FDA-certified nylon and polyester.

Does the size of the micron bags matter?

The size of your micron bags should match the capacity to press of the rosin press.

When filling up your bags, make sure you only put the right amount. Putting more than intended will only increase your chances of a blowout, wasting good strains.

If you are unsure of what size you need, consider getting a micron bag kit like the NugSmasher 7 and 14 gram Rosin Extraction Kit. This kit contains bags for 7 and 14 grams of materials, which also have different micron ratings for each size.

To help you get the right amount in your micron bags, consider using pre-press mold, like the Rosinbomb Pre-press, to keep your strain organized.

Now you’ve got your materials packed, let’s go to another crucial part of extracting rosin and micron bags: the technique for pressing.

Even if you invest in a good micron bag set like the Saquash Squash Bags, having the wrong approach to pressing will still ruin your extract.


Browse pre-press molds for rosin

What is the best way to press rosin?

The best way to press your micron bags is slowly.

Doing so minimizes blowouts, and lets your rosin flow out smoothly.


Should you be reusing micron bags after pressing?

No, do not reuse micron bags.

While some pressers clean their bags with ethanol for a second use, they will not be as accurate and will be prone to blowouts, wherein your materials spills out of the micron bag.

The pressure and heat applied on micron bags compromise the quality of the micron bag. Chances are, it will not be as effective, as the pores of the rosin bag have stretched.

So instead of filtering your rosin correctly, you will get extracts that are not as pure as you want them to be.

Now that you have an understanding of how crucial micron bags are for extracting rosin check out our collection so that you can start reaping the benefits of pure rosin extracts.
